Baby conversations with people really run the whole range. There are those who just want to hear that no one but the cat gets any sleep, and that the cat is bald from the baby pulling its hair out. There are those that want to gush about what a wonderful experience parenthood is, and how much they miss "that age." And then there are those conversations that are, well, just plain interesting.
The other day I was getting my morning coffee at work when the woman next to me at the other coffee machine asked, "How's the baby?" So I replied with my usual "He's wonderful, he's growing so fast" and mentioned that he has two teeth already. She was very surprised, as most people are, and then exclaimed, "Whew! You just brought on some scripture!"
She went on to exclaim about how the Bible says that in the end times, children will grow up quickly, and isn't it amazing how reminders are everywhere these days. I was just trying to figure out how to respond to her enthusiastic suggestion that my child was an indication of the impending end of the world when she exclaimed, "Well, have a great day!" and walked off.
People are so odd.