So, Griffin... he's amazing! I know that lots of parents think their kids are geniuses, and I'm not claiming that, although I wouldn't be surprised if he was, because he's WAY ahead of the curve on a lot of skills. For example, when he turned two he could already identify all the letters in the alphabet, and could count to ten. At this point, one month shy of his third birthday, he's counting to 25 on average before he starts to lose track, and that's usually because he can't find that many things lined up! He's doing 48 piece puzzles (I think he's supposed to be doing 6-9 piece ones at this point), he knows left from right, and he's been drawing faces since last May. On Christmas day, he drew this out on the sidewalk in front of our place:

Yup, that's a smile in the middle of that huge head, then arms legs hands and feet at the bottom, and hair all around the outside. For those of you not up on your childhood developmental stages,
I'll just say that it's pretty crazy for him to be doing this stuff already. He's about two years ahead of most kids. Google it!
He's also very happy and loving, and extremely funny. Granted the humor is not always intentional on his part, such as the other day when he was trying to reach something in the back seat of the car, and we couldn't figure out what. Finally we asked him "what do you need?" and he replied, while straining to reach as far as he could, "Big arm!"
He's very friendly and says hello and goodbye to everyone he sees (and plenty of locations and inanimate objects as well.) He's very into pretend play, and loves to pretend that he's a dog, and that whoever is with him is a dog as well. Hence, we're often to be found out in public saying things like "Oh wow, woof, look at that, woof!" Right now he's all about playing with duplo blocks and train stuff, he loves watching Yo Gabba Gabba, which he refers to as "Guys," and his favorite music includes Beatles, Ani Difranco, Indigo Girls, and a variety of classic funk and 80s hits.
Ok, enough bragging on the kid's brains and good taste... let's show off how cute he is! This was earlier today.
And here's a shot of tonight's pre-bed fencing lesson with Baba, who Griffin has recently decided to call "Daddy." Daddy was smart and made sure to teach Griffin two things when they first got their swords: 1. Make sure both people are holding a sword. 2. Say "On guard!" before you start swinging. I think the second rule has probably saved her glasses on multiple occasions.

Donor 6306, we hope Griffin chooses to meet you when he gets older, because we'd sure like to thank you in person for your part in helping us to bring this amazing little person into the world!