Saturday, October 27, 2007

6.5 Months Full of Personality

I took Griffin to the park today to get a couple outdoor shots of him before it gets too cold out. He was all grins, but somehow all the big grin shots came out blurry or were focussed on the background. He ran out of energy toward the end, but we had a great time. Enjoy!

Also, a big "Hello!" to Griffin's Tati Fifi, who finally got to meet him in person today! Unfortunately it was at the end of a long day and when he was uncomfortable after an unfavorable reaction to his first carrots, and he didn't have many smiles left. She did manage to get a couple chuckles out of him, though!


Wendy and Karen said...

Wonderful pictures.

Holly said...

He is just so cute. And you can totally see his personality through those pictures.

Wow - times flies. I can't believe how big he's getting!

Kim aka Mommy said...

Such a cutie!

Chelle said...

terrific outdoor shots!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures, as always! Did you take him trick-or-treating? I want to see his costume!

R said...

He is just a dollbaby. I loved reading your posts, gives me hope!!

C said...

So Sweet....he just gets cuter & cuter. Wait a minute, is that possible? What a doll baby!

TK said...

The park pictures look great, and he is too cute! Tara

The Mother Hen said...

Ok we are all ready for another update. Iknow he had to have grown alot this last month ;-)