Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chemical Messages and REM Sleep

Wowie, it's been a few days! Sorry about that! I've been either sleeping or catching up on housework since I posted last. No, I take that back, I've been doing housework, sleeping, and having crazy dreams!

Dream 2:
There's something physically wrong with me, something that can be fixed in a radical new surgical procedure that a doctor says he can do for me. I agree, and within hours I'm in the hospital, going under general anesthesia for the surgery. As I'm losing consciousness, it occurs to me that all I know about what the doctor plans to do is that it has something to do with replacing some of my parts with cat parts. For some reason, I have a fear that he's just going to take my lungs out and put them in a cat. Hmm... Maybe I should have asked for more details while I could? It's way too late for that, so I just have to hope for the best.

I wake up in the hospital feeling great, and look down to see that I still have all my own limbs. I feel like me. So far, so good. My family shows up (along with one of the family cats, Abydos) and they all coo over how great I look and how much better I must be feeling. Mom even mentioned that she loved my hair. Well, not everyone is cooing. Abydos is rolling around on the nice cool hospital floor, mumbling something about stupid humans that don't know a good thing when they see it, and that they should all be enjoying the finer things in hospital living, rather than standing around a bed talking to another stupid human.

No, I didn't just intuit that because that's what it always looks like cats are telling us. I could actually understand him. I don't know if it was the aim of the surgery or just a side effect, but I could definitely communicate. Of course, Abydos didn't believe that the replies were coming from me. He figured he was imagining things, because clearly there were no inteligent beings in the room to answer him. He just concluded that he was bored out of his mind by all the "human stuff."

Soon, I was awake enough in my dream to realize that I had to go to the bathroom. I got up and went into the hospital bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and cracked up. The hair on the top of my head had been replaced by a big mop of longhaired calico craziness. It was too long for cat hair, though. It looked like a human-scale version of the mess that sits on top of a long-haired guinea pig. Very chic.

I woke up loving life, and wishing I had that hair!

Stay tuned for the other dream I had the same night. I'll post it tonight, but right now it's time to get ready for work!

1 comment:

Wendy and Karen said...

Have you ever read the book "The Catswold Portal" by Shirley Rousseau Murphy? There are cat people in the book that can transform between cat and human. When they transform to human, they retain alot of their cat characteristics - including hair color. The leader is a calico whose human hair sounds just like what you had in your dream. Very cool!

I love these dream posts! Keep 'em coming!

- Karen