Sure, it's nice to be able to sleep through the night without any effort when you're not pregnant. On the other hand, it's also nice to give in to the desire to hop out of bed at 3:30 AM to fix yourself some bread with butter and strawberry preserves.
Life is good. Cheers, everyone!
you're not up to pee a couple times?
This morning I got up and thought to myself, "finally, I slept through the whole night without having to pee." Then as I was walking to the bathroom I got this strong sense of dejavu. I'd totally forgotten that I'd gotten up after all.
My placenta brain seems to be kicking in, or kicking back.
Ah, let me clarify. Nice to sleep through the night when you're NOT pregnant. Nope, I'm up at least three times per night to either pee or snack. It's just not so fun to talk about getting up to pee.
I got all bloated and poofy from the meds during the cycle I was on them, so I've been getting up in the night to pee since before we even did the insem.
It's a good thing, too, because half the time I realize when I wake up to _________ that I also forgot to take my evening supplements and hormones because I fell asleep early.
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