Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Griffin's Birth

First, I have to give some huge thanks to my amazing wife, to my mom, and to the staff at the hospital. They were all amazing!

Griffin's birth was a bit scary with a few close calls. See the post below when you see a (number) if you want all the details.

The beginning was certainly uneventful. After my water broke and we got to the hospital, we discovered that I was only dialated about a fingertip, which is about half a centimeter. At ten the next morning, with 17 hours or so already elapsed, I was still at the same dilation, even though I was totally effaced. They decided at that point to increase my pitocin, give me some narcotics in my IV to help me relax, and do a catheter drain. The combination worked a bit too well too quickly, and I dilated to 6 over the next half hour. Griffin's heart rate dropped suddenly. (1) After his heart rate was stabilized, I slept for a while while they gradually brought the pitocin back up. I dilated steadily over the next few hours. When it was finally time to push, it took only about ten minutes and 7 contractions or so for him to be born. (2)

Mombi got to hold him a lot and had some great 1:1 bonding time while I was cleaned up. His Apgars were 8 and 9, and he spent the next two hours wide awake and observant as my dad, sister Amy, and sister's partner Shelley arrived to meet him.

Mombi and I are back home at last. Griffin is still in the NICU, due to a mystery infection which necessitates giving him several days of antibiotics. They were prompted to do some lab work on him after they noticed that he tended to squeek or grunt when sleeping soundly, which indicated that he was having a bit of a hard time breathing. He's doing great now, though, and he now looks and acts perfectly healthy apart from a touch of baby jaundice. We're visiting him at the hospital as frequently as possible. It looks like we'll be bringing him home on Sunday if nothing changes.

They don't know what the infection is/was or what caused it, but there are two top theories. The first is that it was related to how long his amniotic sac was ruptured. It was nearly 22 hours from rupture to delivery by my calculations, but possibly longer if it started out as a very small leak. 24 hours is the maximum they'll let you deliver vaginally after it ruptures due to risk of infection. The other possibility is that I had a cold or some other virus/bacterial gunk that I wasn't aware of that was passed to him even though I wasn't showing symptoms. Sheryl's had a bit of chest/throat funk for a couple weeks, so it's possible that I brought something home and gave it to both of them but didn't show symptoms myself.

Would I do it again? Yup! I definitely wouldn't do it at home, though, because I can't imagine how stressful it would have been to not have help at hand when it was needed. I was very glad to have been at a hospital that has a good NICU. I probably wouldn't resist medical assistance with the labor, either, but that would depend a lot on whether or not my water broke before contractions started. That really changed things. I do wish that my own doctor had been available (she was in Central America with her family for Easter) but of course that's nothing that can really be planned for so far in advance!


SJayneI said...

Congratulations on your new little man and for getting through the scary stuff. He's gorgeous!!

underdog said...

he's beautiful! Congratulations! Horray horray horray!!!

Holly said...

He's absolutely beautiful!
We are sending big congrats to your whole family!

Wendy and Karen said...

Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your birth story (even the scary stuff). Hope Griffin can join you at home soon.

battynurse said...

Congrats, he is very cute. I'm glad that all is well even though it sounds like you did have a few scary moments and I'm sure that he will be out of that NICU and home soon.

Merr said...

thanks for the story and pics! He is so dang cute!

Unknown said...

He is adorable. I am so sorry you had the scares that you did though. I hope he gets to come home very soon!

Kim aka Mommy said...

What a lil cutie! Thanks for sharing your story.

Unknown said...

HI GRIFFIN! YAY!!! I've been checking constantly, eagerly awaiting the pictures! He's adorable! I'm so happy for you! Hey Griffin, we have a lot in common already! I had the cord around my neck and I was jaundice too when I was born! Glad the scary stuff's over. Can't wait to see you in person! Luv to all of you from The Blacks!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi P&S&G! I totally wish I could have been there, and I'm totally glad I wasn't. My stomach was in knots just reading this entry, and I already knew it was going to end fine. Sorry Griffin couldn't come home right away, though. P, I hope you're resting a lot and I'm sure you'll be more than ready when it's time for your boy to come home. I'm totally tearing up right now, I'm just so happy and relieved that he's finally here!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! your little boy is so sweet.

Stacey said...

Congratulations! He's sweet! I hope he gets better quickly!!!

I heard that about the 24 hours as well. I delievered at 27 hours. It's funny how so many of us don't have the birth we imagine.

That's scary about the heartrate! I know how you two must've felt as we had that scare at one point. All we were thinking was "Hurry up and take her out!!!!" We were terrified. I'm so glad that everything turned out fine after that horrible scare.

Can't wait to see more pictures of little Griffin.

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

So . . . who won the guessing game? I know I didn't because I was probably the only person who said that he'd come after your due date. (I had to say that because YOU were a week late!) But who got it right?

Chelle said...

Griffin is just incredible! What a lovely baby. So glad you're home safe and sound, and that he'll be joining you soon. Sorry it was scary, but sounds like you've recovered emotionally. Be well! And give him a snuggle for me on your next visit.

Estella's Mom said...

WOOHOO!!!! Congratulations. He is a cutie.

singletracey said...

ONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a precious little boy.