Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I've never been worried about the pain aspect, since I have a high pain tolerance. But I've decided that it's time to acknowledge that yes, indeed, there are parts of giving birth that cause me concern. There are two things about giving birth that make me nervous and worried:

Tension. I've never been good at relaxing my body. Mombi can make me go totally limp just by rubbing the bridge of my nose, though, so hopefully together we can manage to stay relaxed and loose.

Stamina. I'm afraid I'll get tired out and not be able to finish. What if I get tired out and just can't push?

I'm shifting into preparation mode now so I can be ready then. I'm reading the book "Birthing from Within" and it has a lot of great information in it on how to relax. I'm also starting to swim more frequently, which will hopefully help me to build up my core muscles, which will help with strength/stamina.


Anonymous said...

yes, swimming... i've been promising myself i would start soon...

Anonymous said...

Tension and stamina are your only concerns about giving birth?!?!?
Lois is totally freaking out about giving birth! Her worries....
the pain part.

Anonymous said...

You will find the strength and stamina when the time comes. No matter how tired you are during your labor, there is such adrenaline knowing your baby is just a few pushes away. You will be amazed at the energy reserves you will find.

Anonymous said...

Wow....you know, in many ways to me it seems like it was yesterday that you ladies were in the 2ww during TTC. Now look, here we are discussing L&D....how does this happen? On my end, in my life time seems to be crawling, however, on the other side of the coin, when I think about you both & your TTC & Pregnancy it seems to be speeding by! I sure am happy for you both:)

Anonymous said...

You will have adrenaline to keep you going so don't worry. They say that a woman can lift a car in the transition phase--she has that much adrenaline pumping through her body. Just don't worry too much you'll get through it.

I keep thinking about tearing. That part sounds nasty. LOL. I guess we all have our little fears of giving birth. But think of it as 1 day and then you'll forget it all as you look at your newborn. :)

Momai said...

Thanks, ladies, I feel better already!

Sacha said...

Hey, we're reading Birthing From Within too! I've really enjoyed reading it so far, despite the long chapters on birth art.

I'm starting yoga next week to help with the relaxation bit. I'm also going to have my acupuncturist come in and I'm using my silly biofeedback machine to work on relaxation breathing.

I truly think part of coping with fear is acknowledging it.

Swimming is good.