Saturday, December 30, 2006

First Tour of L&D

I was at the hospital this morning for a standard blood draw, and decided to wander through the Labor & Delivery area. The nurses on duty were fabulous. One of them gave me a short tour and a stack of information about their policies, and everything looks good. The nurse was a bit confused when I asked her how they deal with excessive volume. I'm sure I'll be vocalizing quite a bit! I have no intention to curb it for their sakes, so I just hope they'll take it gracefully.



C said...

oh sweetie, they will! They hear it all, loud, insulting in english/spanish and anything else. I still can cringe at the things my best friend said during her last delivery when her Epidurl(sp) didn't work....oh, sailors would take notes! All that from a sweet, little lady during "normal" circumstances.:)
I say let it rip, sister!

Holly said...

I'm sure they are used to women screaming while pushing a baby out.
Lois intends on being loud.
A friend of ours bought a huge fruit basket for the delivery room staff because his wife was a REALLY loud and throwing out many 4 letter words.

Momai said...

LOL I'm actually looking forward to it. I was just trying to see if they'd try to push meds on me or let me yell it out in peace. :)