Monday, January 01, 2007

Griffin says Happy Holidays!

Here's a video of griffin playing with the duckies he got for Christmas!

Griffin's first puppet show.


Holly said...

That is so cool!
Lois uses a remote on her belly and Andrew kicks away at it. It never occurred to me to videotape it.
...but I would hate to be a copy cat! LOL

Merr said...

I love the video, that is so funny.

Unknown said...

So cute! Thanks for sharing!!! Happy new year to you girls and little Griffin!

Momai said...

Go for it, Holly! After I posted mine to You Tube, I got hooked looking at everyone else's. Most of them are in late pregnancy when their bellies are really going all over the place.

Mombi refuses to watch those, she says she'll probably have to look away when Griffin's creating massive distortions like that, too.

underdog said...

so cute!! I'll definitely copy you when we get pregnant! :)

Anonymous said...

very cool! i hope our fetus will also show an early talents for the performing arts.

Chelle said...

That was fun! I had no idea what I was in for before I clicked the link. "Wait... isn't Griffin the baby's name?..." Duh! Hahahaha.