Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bits and Pieces: Random Updates and News

None of this stuff felt (or feels) big enough to get a post of its own. So here, in no particular order, are some recent updates and tidbits for your reading enjoyment:

Had an OB appointment today, everything looks good. No sonogram, but we got to hear Skippy's heartbeat for the first time. It was 153bpm, and sounded like a very soft choo choo train. I have my anatomy sonogram scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving. So on November 23 or 24, look for news on if Skippy is a boy or a girl.

Yes, I did it. I went home an hour early last Thursday and sent Mombi out to rent Sound of Music. She was incredulous, of course, but she played along. It was just what I needed.

Also today, Mombi got her new glasses! Her old ones had a very old prescription and the frames were just about dead. We got her the ultra deluxe lenses and some absolutely adorable frames, and it was so worth it! She's been squinting for years now and dealing with headaches. Her old glasses gave her a fishbowl perspective, and the anti-glare coating was totally worn off. These new ones use a new technology that got rid of the fish bowl sensation, and they fit her perfectly. I'm so happy for her that she can finally see again!

Dreams? Oh yes, many dreams. All of which seem to involve food at some point. Last night it was a spy thriller. I infiltrated their potluck. I didn't get my guy, but I did manage to finish my plate before things got dicey.

So how am I in general? Doing well, I think. I'm feeling weird and achy and twingy, and I definitely show depending on what I wear. Per the nurse a the OB office today, I'm right on track with all of that. The hormone issues seem to have straightened themselves out again. The miserableness seems to have faded for now, as has my BO. I'm back to smelling fresh and clean without any particular effort. On the down side, I'm also back to feeling a bit off, like I'm about to get a cold or something. But I'd much rather deal with that than subject Mombi to the bawling lunatic she had on her hands for a few days there.


Stacey said...

Glad to hear things are going well. Hearing the heartbeat is reassuring, eh? The wives tale says you're having a girl. Of course, that didn't work for us...

Sorry you're starting to feel a bit under the weather. Maybe you're getting a cold and it's not really pregnancy related? I had a cold around that time. Lots of vitamin c and rest.

Enjoy "The Sound of Music"...perhaps you should buy it if you like it so much. ;)

Momai said...

Thanks, but I think once every 6-8 years is sufficient. Who knows what technology will be like that long from now. :)

(Hey, my confirmation word starts with XX! It must be a girl!)

Chelle said...

Through links to links, I found your blog. Very fun read. And CONGRATULATIONS!

Mind if I put a link to your blog on my own? (it would make it easier for me to keep finding you....)

C said...

Ladies, so great to hear little Skippy is right on target. As far as Sound of Music goes..what can I say, I have adored it for years! My Fiance used to cover his ears in bed when I would put it back on..LOL!
Great reading your bolg. (a.k.a pomsmomee from the NW board)
Check out my Journey too:)

Momai said...

Hi, Chelle, nice to meet you! Absolutely feel free to post a link to my site, I'll trade you!

Nice to see you on here, too, Candace!

Holly said...

So great to heart that the appointment went well.
And I love the name "Skippy"