Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Very Demanding Lentil

Our kiddo is approximately the size of a lentil now, and is about to start the transition from looking like a malformed shrimp to looking like an alien. Go, lentil, go!

I have to say, though... This kid is needy. I mean really, how much resources can you pack into something that small? I've come to realize that for the next 7.5 months, I'm basically going to be functioning as a giant battery pack for the little one. It's a good thing that Mombi is keeping me plugged in to my own rechargers, via food and sleep. Last night she put me straight to bed when I got home from work, and then woke me up for short intervals throughout the evening and night to eat. Not counting when I was awake for feeding or to use the facilities, I slept 16 straight hours! At this time, I'd like to say thanks to all the union workers who worked so hard to institutionalize the concept of weekends off.

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